Have you ever thought your life just wasn't moving along the way you would like?
Have you ever thought you should do more, and just don't.
I have on both counts. Today I am considering doing something about that. Of course my wife thinks I'm nuts since I have too much to do already and can't keep up with it all, but so....what else is new?
The thought came to me that if others can do it, I can do it too. You are asking, can do what?
I am considering doing a weekly podcast! What? You think I'm nuts too? Oh well.
Just think, once a week you could see this old face staring at you as the lips move and the words, "Good Morning Friends and Relatives" leap from the speakers of your computer. Doesn't that sound exciting???
Of course it does - n't! But so what? I hear a lot of people saying things like that and I think that I could do that too.
Then I thought maybe I have to have some people to talk to. There is that newspaper columnist I know, a couple of writers, that attorney down around the corner. If I really want to go nuts I can get a real estate agent easy enough; I think I'll stay away from the insurance and used car folks though.
Well, what do you think? Am I ready with these ideas or do you think I had better give it more thought?
Hey, do you want to be on my show??
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