Have you ever decided that you could make some money on-line? You know one of those get rich if you're lucky schemes they push all the time. I have. No don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that I ever believed I was going to get rich quick, but I thought maybe I could make a buck or two by doing as little as possible.
I applied twice to a big box store and never heard a word. Somehow they didn't think I was able to push carts in from the parking lot, or stand at the entry and welcome everyone. Boy, they sure don't know much about me, the extrovert of the family!
So, getting back to the on-line thing. I looked into a couple of them. One said all you have to do is cut and paste a bunch of URLs onto my own website and thousands of people were going to flock to my website to order from these various and sundry ads. Yeah sure, like they don't have anything else to do?
Another one said you can stay at home, stuff envelopes until your hands bleeds or your tongue gets cut and then if you're lucky we might send you a check for your efforts. They forgot to add, "don't count on it though!"
I have since settled on writing books. Am I making money? No! Am I having a good time? Yes!
Will I ever become famous and in demand? No!
Why am I doing it? Well, I like to write, it gives me pleasure to know that someone might read it and like whatever it is I have written. I did break even last year, and that was an incentive if I do say so.
Never before have I broke even, I just stopped at the "broke" part and dropped the subject.
I have a little advice, and as you know, free advise isn't worth much, but here it is anyway;
1. Be a stay at home whatever, and do what you want to, but don't give out your money to someone who is also staying at home and taking your money to the bank.
2. Do what you want to do and can afford to do. Life is too short to mess around with someone else's ideas.
3.Remember, there is one of "those" born everyday...don't be one of them. If you are really bored, try this link. http://www.aultsplace.com