Today I received an old email from a friend about the strange obituary in a London newspaper. It was not about a real person, of course, but rather depicting the sadness surrounding the loss of "common sense."
As I sat in choir this morning at our church, one of the younger mothers, who is a vibrant part of that group, told us a tale I thought worth repeating. Your reaction to this will be of interest to a lot of people.
This is what she related, (this is not a direct quote, but somewhat paraphrased)
My son was almost expelled from kindercollege, last Friday, for bringing a weapon to his school for 'show and tell.' I almost fell off my chair when I received the call to go to his school to find out what it was all about. Still in shock from the call, I found him sitting in the office of the care center, with the owner. I entered the office and my little boy came to sit on my lap as I asked what the problem was.
"Your son,", she told me, "has been found to be carrying a weapon to school!"
I looked at the innocent face of my five year old and asked, "What did you bring to school today?"
He reached into his pocket and brought the weapons out. I had to admit I was surprised.
"As you can see, he has these with him now and was going to show them to the class, but fortunately I discovered what he was holding before it got that far."
Without yelling, or shouting out in rage at this outrageous situation, I looked her straight in the eye, and without blinking, took the five little arrow heads from my son's hand.
"Are these the weapons you are talking about?" I asked.
"Yes, and I can't believe you would allow him to..."
At that, I interrupted her. "Lady, if you think these are dangerous weapons, I really feel sorry for you. There are hundreds, if not thousands of them laying around these wooded areas."
"Well, I..."
"There is no "well I" to it!" I interrupted her once again.
I asked that my boy be allowed to go back to his little classmates, as I held the dangerous weapons he left behind, in my hand.
We discussed the situation. I was quite disillusioned with the intelligence factor here, and she became enlightened as to what weapons really are; that relics from 100 year ago, the size of a pencil head, could hardly be considered as weapons. We came to an understanding between us, that what she was doing was harming, rather than helping, the minds of little children with nonsense that in no way resembles life as it is today; these were not knives, guns, swords, bullets, taser guns, or the likes.
Now, the moral of this story is that, there is none. Common sense, once more, has died a foolish death, at the hands of someone less intelligent than a snail. What do you think?