Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I suppose that may sound a bit on the dreary side for a lot of you, but then, for me it is the beginning, the very essence of my being.
I have been a salesman trainer, sales manager, credit and operations manager and a slave to many other things, but now, today, I am a slave only to myself and my wife. (more to my wife than myself, I might add)
Today was a day to remember. I attended my first "book signing" at a local book store along with a friend and writer, Elissa as well as another very talented authoress.(you must excuse my use of prior acceptable titles, but that is just the way it is. We sat for four hours and enjoyed meeting a lot of folks, even sold some books. All was well until the end when the time came to settle up on the money.
Now what I naively did not know, was the type of commission percent you had to leave behind to pay for that chair, a table shared with others and the right to be there without even a name in the paper. (for that was my fault-as usual I waited to the last minute to advise them I was coming) The only reason I mention this is that if your don't know it, you feel a bit caustic when told the percent you are leaving behind is equal to all you were going to make on the book in the first place. Well, to be honest, I did make ten cents on each book sold. WHOOPIE!!!
Whose fault was this. Mine of course. The old saying fool me once, your fault, fool me twice, my fault..............let that be a word to the wise.........check into things before getting involved.
That's enough for now, have a great day and remember to check your pockets!!