Today is going to be a wonderful day. No, it is not because of the weather, or my health, or anything like that, it is because my wife and I will have the pleasure of being "Reading Buddies" for some 2nd graders at one of our local elementary schools.
Have you ever been a "Reading Buddy?"
If you haven't, a treat is awaiting you if you give it a try.
This is one of my first attempts at this and it has been rewarding. I started out with four of the little folks about two months ago. One little girl and three little boys. Admittedly, the first debut to this new adventure was a little disarming when I came to realize that these kids were not really slow, as it was deemed, they were just lonesome.
The young lady I encountered could not sit still for five seconds. She spoke to everyone that came into her eyesight,(that was everyone that walked down the hallway in front of the classroom) and she felt it was her responsibility to know everyone's business. The fact was that her folks didn't have time for her, since they both worked to make ends meet so family discussions at home were nill and to get attention, a kid had to "act out" a bit.
Being a "Reading Buddy" gives you a new insight into family life today. Being a good listener, as well as forcing yourself to have patience with each child in their reading endeavors, gives you not only that insight, but also a feeling of concern for our future generations.
Each person will have different theory about what is taking place. My wife was a teacher for this type of child for 22 years. Her insight, which she so graciously passed onto me, gave balance to my one-sided thoughts. I discovered a whole new world of people that I really didn't know about, and all from being a freind to a kid who needs one.
If you would like to help a little one be a better reader, a better person, and hopefully a much happier child...and I am sure you all would...check into your school systems and ask about their "Reading Buddy" will be glad that you did. An hour a week is a small time to give to something so important.
Oh yes, just a side note, my newest book, "Deavereau and the Napoleon Clock Incident" is now available at