Today's world is a different place from the world I was brought up in. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have things and working for them. As a matter of fact, it is a pretty good feeling to accomplish getting something you have wanted. The problem comes when the most important thing in your life is what you have or what you think you are entitled to due to circumstance.
In examining family life today, it appears that there is a swing toward the belief that nothing is important if it is not materialistic. To expand on that a bit more, let's consider a family of "haves" versus a family of "have not."
The family of "haves" I refer to is the family that has not only everything they need or could want, but are tightly encased in that little circle of materialism. The "have" groups frequently place their happiness on what they have, not true spiritual, cultural or sought after intellectual things that count and creates a richer life.
Today's advertising world steers its advertising to specific groups. This is nothing new, it has always been that way, there is television advertising, iPhone advertising, magazine advertising that rules the whole magazine content with little intellectual value at all. Children are asked to pressure their parents for "things." In some homes, both the father and mother work long and hard hours to obtain those "things" they think are necessary for happiness and lose the real meaning of family.
The family of "have not" rely more on family values. They seem to be more concerned with how other folks feel because of their efforts. They also contribute more to the whole family through phone calls, letters, basic thank you notes for things they have received and just plain caring. The family and its ancestory are the value rather than "things."
When the family of "haves" run out of their access to those possessions do they revert to the "have not" mentality, or do they find themselves so lost in their materialistic world that they cannot escape from it. What do these people do when their material things are gone?
Is it time to take a look into the mirror and see where you fit into this "materialistic" world?
Where you can enjoy, discuss, get disgusted, or just sit back and enjoy some of the crazy jibberish.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
A New Word for An Old Wrong
Just for those who haven't seen the news lately, it is interesting to point out that our legal system has again come up with the most idiotic defense of the rich yet. It is simply called "Afluenza."
If you have a lot of money, the law does not any longer apply to you since you have been so protected you have become a compete imbecile and therefore you no longer know right from wrong. If you kill someone, that is okay since you really are to ignorant to know any better.
If you don't believe me, check the news for the young man who, drunk out of his mind, and spoiled rotten, drove his vehicle at a speed exceeding the speed limit and killed four people. His attorney said he should not be sent to prison because he suffers from "Afluenza,' the inability to understand that what he did was wrong and therefore he didn't know any better. This no doubt was caused because of his family affluence and protection. The poor fellow will be serving probation at a higher end facility than the best hotel around, but of course he will be denied many of those luxuries he had always had and consequently fails to understand that all people don't have them, since his affluent friends do.
I don't know about you, but I know about the way I feel and how many others I have spoken to feel. Simply put, it is time for those attorneys that have this kind of mentality be forced out of the profession and actually get a job where they find out what life is really all about. his should include the judges you rule on these cases as well.We also believe that our system of justice is completely out of whack and any day now the wealthy will be forced to carry a gun to keep we poor folks away from them rather than taint them with our being alive.
My Christian belief tells me to forgive, but my common sense belief tells me it is time for those responsible for these outrageous actions start paying the price we average citizens do. If you need more examples of what money and power can do take a good look at our congressional representation...really!! And yes, I can forgive them but I will guarantee you that I won't forget them.
If you have a lot of money, the law does not any longer apply to you since you have been so protected you have become a compete imbecile and therefore you no longer know right from wrong. If you kill someone, that is okay since you really are to ignorant to know any better.
If you don't believe me, check the news for the young man who, drunk out of his mind, and spoiled rotten, drove his vehicle at a speed exceeding the speed limit and killed four people. His attorney said he should not be sent to prison because he suffers from "Afluenza,' the inability to understand that what he did was wrong and therefore he didn't know any better. This no doubt was caused because of his family affluence and protection. The poor fellow will be serving probation at a higher end facility than the best hotel around, but of course he will be denied many of those luxuries he had always had and consequently fails to understand that all people don't have them, since his affluent friends do.
I don't know about you, but I know about the way I feel and how many others I have spoken to feel. Simply put, it is time for those attorneys that have this kind of mentality be forced out of the profession and actually get a job where they find out what life is really all about. his should include the judges you rule on these cases as well.We also believe that our system of justice is completely out of whack and any day now the wealthy will be forced to carry a gun to keep we poor folks away from them rather than taint them with our being alive.
My Christian belief tells me to forgive, but my common sense belief tells me it is time for those responsible for these outrageous actions start paying the price we average citizens do. If you need more examples of what money and power can do take a good look at our congressional representation...really!! And yes, I can forgive them but I will guarantee you that I won't forget them.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
I have been told this link is not working unless you are a member of Roxio Photo....forgive me for misleading you if I did.
I have been told this link is not working unless you are a member of Roxio Photo....forgive me for misleading you if I did.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Another Misguided Thought
I am sure that his will enhance the temperament of many sport's fans, but it is a fact that should not be ignored.
Several years ago I had a lengthy discussion with my oldest son with regard to the money being paid to big league players of football. The discussion was about the tremendous high salary they commanded while the ordinary working man had to hock his wife and family to attend a game due to the ticket cost. I was immediately told, and in no uncertain terms, that these men put everything they had into their chosen profession, and many of them would become incapacitated due to injury and therefore would no longer be able to work in their field, i.e., the big salary for their future.
Arguing would not have been worth the effort at that time as what he said had some merit, although I could name several occupations that were dangerous and yet they were not paid anything like those "what I called outrageous" sums of money.
Today many of them receive more than a million a year...a lot more in fact. I heard today that one is going to receive a huge settlement from the league due his continued head injuries. Now I don't want to be thought of here as insensitive, but really, a settlement in the hundreds of millions? Why don't insurance companies insure these guys, after all they make enough to pay the premiums, or do they?
I have a friend who was injured on the job. He got disability from the state to the tune of $1200.00 a month. Now in his job he actually did a job needed in the community and received a just compensation. I think now that he should have just put his head down and ran into a wall once a week so he could get the large settlement the player got. After all, the player has had several concussions over the years of his playing and anyone with common sense would conclude that maybe the game was dangerous, would lay aside some of that huge salary for the future, and accept his fate since it was of his own choosing.
All right, I concede, maybe this is the only profession he was cut out for...I was supposed to be a mechanic and became a salesman instead...stupid me!
Well, after you get done cussing me out, yelling at me and saying things like, "You don't understand !", or "You are just jealous!" or a hundred other, and probably far worse, comments just take a minute, cool down, and tell me if you would decide to do something you knew was going to disable you for the rest of your life. And if you did choose that profession, would you do it blindly spending your money without regard to you and your family's future?
I am sure that his will enhance the temperament of many sport's fans, but it is a fact that should not be ignored.
Several years ago I had a lengthy discussion with my oldest son with regard to the money being paid to big league players of football. The discussion was about the tremendous high salary they commanded while the ordinary working man had to hock his wife and family to attend a game due to the ticket cost. I was immediately told, and in no uncertain terms, that these men put everything they had into their chosen profession, and many of them would become incapacitated due to injury and therefore would no longer be able to work in their field, i.e., the big salary for their future.
Arguing would not have been worth the effort at that time as what he said had some merit, although I could name several occupations that were dangerous and yet they were not paid anything like those "what I called outrageous" sums of money.
Today many of them receive more than a million a year...a lot more in fact. I heard today that one is going to receive a huge settlement from the league due his continued head injuries. Now I don't want to be thought of here as insensitive, but really, a settlement in the hundreds of millions? Why don't insurance companies insure these guys, after all they make enough to pay the premiums, or do they?
I have a friend who was injured on the job. He got disability from the state to the tune of $1200.00 a month. Now in his job he actually did a job needed in the community and received a just compensation. I think now that he should have just put his head down and ran into a wall once a week so he could get the large settlement the player got. After all, the player has had several concussions over the years of his playing and anyone with common sense would conclude that maybe the game was dangerous, would lay aside some of that huge salary for the future, and accept his fate since it was of his own choosing.
All right, I concede, maybe this is the only profession he was cut out for...I was supposed to be a mechanic and became a salesman instead...stupid me!
Well, after you get done cussing me out, yelling at me and saying things like, "You don't understand !", or "You are just jealous!" or a hundred other, and probably far worse, comments just take a minute, cool down, and tell me if you would decide to do something you knew was going to disable you for the rest of your life. And if you did choose that profession, would you do it blindly spending your money without regard to you and your family's future?
One of the hardest things in life, at least for me, is forgiveness. I don't mean simple things like someone hurt your feelings with words or innocent actions, or that someone cut you off in traffic, I mean big things, things that really tend to hurt and you live with although they are cutting your life short.
Family is probably the toughest. You know how that works. One relative says something, then another picks up on it, and before long, just like that game of whispering in each other's ear in a group and when the whispered line comes out from the last person's understanding, it is nothing like it started out!
Sometimes we say things we don't really mean, or that someone misunderstands and rather than, at that moment questioning it, they let it fester until the sore becomes so big it gets blown completely out of proportion and beyond healing. In most cases, by the time this happens the beginning comment or incident is completely forgotten by the offended person, but the resentment continues on.
How many of us have had this happen to us because of our own misunderstanding? I know that I have been both the perpetrator and the recipient.
I don't know about you, but I have found that the older I get, the more I wish I could understand what I may have done or said that upset someone to the point they refuse to forgive and prefer to join the hatred crowd. I have discovered that when I forgive, I forget and I am much happier because of it.
Simple advice, think before you speak or act, and maybe you won't have this haunt you in the future. That haunting came interrupt your life and especially your sleep! Trust me.
One of the hardest things in life, at least for me, is forgiveness. I don't mean simple things like someone hurt your feelings with words or innocent actions, or that someone cut you off in traffic, I mean big things, things that really tend to hurt and you live with although they are cutting your life short.
Family is probably the toughest. You know how that works. One relative says something, then another picks up on it, and before long, just like that game of whispering in each other's ear in a group and when the whispered line comes out from the last person's understanding, it is nothing like it started out!
Sometimes we say things we don't really mean, or that someone misunderstands and rather than, at that moment questioning it, they let it fester until the sore becomes so big it gets blown completely out of proportion and beyond healing. In most cases, by the time this happens the beginning comment or incident is completely forgotten by the offended person, but the resentment continues on.
How many of us have had this happen to us because of our own misunderstanding? I know that I have been both the perpetrator and the recipient.
I don't know about you, but I have found that the older I get, the more I wish I could understand what I may have done or said that upset someone to the point they refuse to forgive and prefer to join the hatred crowd. I have discovered that when I forgive, I forget and I am much happier because of it.
Simple advice, think before you speak or act, and maybe you won't have this haunt you in the future. That haunting came interrupt your life and especially your sleep! Trust me.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Another Perspective on Who We Are, or Should Be
I don't know about anyone else and what their opinions are, but I am pretty tired of the news media and their take on how thin skinned we Americans are. I have often been referred to as a stubborn Dane, my wife grew up as a "Greaseball Italian, I had a couple of Negro friends, a Mexican buddy that was pretty well known as that "Spic" down the block.
The interesting thing about this is that none of us felt bad about it, and as a matter of fact we joked about it among ourselves. We were not thin skinned, we were part of the American Melting Pot of people that have made up what used to be this marvelous country. All of us worked and played together, we prayed together and cried together. We built this country, side by side.
Today there are too many people out there that like to tell us we are poor, we are under privileged, we are misinformed, we are ignorant! Well, I am going to tell you that I am offended everytime I turn on a program where I am told it is wrong to do this, or to say anything for fear we may hurt someone's feelings.
Now those same thin skinned people are saying that a sports team that has been around for years should change their name from the Washington Redskins to "who knows what" has really started to cause a blister on my, well let's not discuss where or I may get my feeling hurt!
It seems to me that I should start a new group of people that don't want to be called "white" anymore. I find that to be very obnoxious. After all, paper is white, some clouds are white, the snow is white, and my skin is certainly not that un-color at all. I once knew an unfortunate person that was all white, her eyes were pink, and we were told that she was an Albino. Now if that is true, I don't want to be called white anymore...let's see now, what could we call we non-white people that are not red, yellow, brown or black? From now on are we the "Tan Americans,", or the Off-White Americans? What do you suggest we call ourselves. Anyone???
The interesting thing about this is that none of us felt bad about it, and as a matter of fact we joked about it among ourselves. We were not thin skinned, we were part of the American Melting Pot of people that have made up what used to be this marvelous country. All of us worked and played together, we prayed together and cried together. We built this country, side by side.
Today there are too many people out there that like to tell us we are poor, we are under privileged, we are misinformed, we are ignorant! Well, I am going to tell you that I am offended everytime I turn on a program where I am told it is wrong to do this, or to say anything for fear we may hurt someone's feelings.
Now those same thin skinned people are saying that a sports team that has been around for years should change their name from the Washington Redskins to "who knows what" has really started to cause a blister on my, well let's not discuss where or I may get my feeling hurt!
It seems to me that I should start a new group of people that don't want to be called "white" anymore. I find that to be very obnoxious. After all, paper is white, some clouds are white, the snow is white, and my skin is certainly not that un-color at all. I once knew an unfortunate person that was all white, her eyes were pink, and we were told that she was an Albino. Now if that is true, I don't want to be called white anymore...let's see now, what could we call we non-white people that are not red, yellow, brown or black? From now on are we the "Tan Americans,", or the Off-White Americans? What do you suggest we call ourselves. Anyone???
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Washington Monument
I wish I could take credit for this, but I cannot. I do feel it should be passed on and read by everyone in this country, especially at this time.
One detail that is never mentioned is that in
Washington , D.C. there can never be a building of greater height than the Washington
With all the uproar about removing the ten commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time. I was not aware of this amazing historical information.
On the aluminum cap, atop the Washington Monument in Washington , D.C. , are displayed two words:
Laus Deo.
No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there and for that matter, probably couldn't care less.
Laus Deo - 'Praise be to God!'
From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles l'Enfant ..... a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north. The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west.

With all the uproar about removing the ten commandments, etc., this is worth a moment or two of your time. I was not aware of this amazing historical information.
On the aluminum cap, atop the Washington Monument in Washington , D.C. , are displayed two words:
Laus Deo.
No one can see these words. In fact, most visitors to the monument are totally unaware they are even there and for that matter, probably couldn't care less.
Once you know Laus Deo's history, you will want to share
this with everyone you know. These words have been there for many years; they
are 555 feet, 5.125 inches high, perched atop the monument, facing skyward to
the Father of our nation, overlooking the 69 square miles which comprise the
District of Columbia, capital of the United States of America.
Laus Deo! Two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words. Out of sight and, one might think, out of mind, but very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world.
So, what do those two words, in Latin, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they say 'Praise be to God!'
Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. It took twenty-five years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation,
Laus Deo! Two seemingly insignificant, unnoticed words. Out of sight and, one might think, out of mind, but very meaningfully placed at the highest point over what is the most powerful city in the most successful nation in the world.
So, what do those two words, in Latin, composed of just four syllables and only seven letters, possibly mean? Very simply, they say 'Praise be to God!'
Though construction of this giant obelisk began in 1848, when James Polk was President of the United States, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. It took twenty-five years to finally cap the memorial with a tribute to the Father of our nation,
Laus Deo - 'Praise be to God!'
From atop this magnificent granite and marble structure, visitors may take in the beautiful panoramic view of the city with its division into four major segments. From that vantage point, one can also easily see the original plan of the designer, Pierre Charles l'Enfant ..... a perfect cross imposed upon the landscape, with the White House to the north. The Jefferson Memorial is to the south, the Capitol to the east and the Lincoln Memorial to the west.
A cross you ask? Why a cross? What about
separation of church and state? Yes, a cross; separation
of church and state was not, is not,
in the Constitution. So, read on. How interesting and, no doubt,
intended to carry a profound meaning
for those who bother to notice.
When the cornerstone of the Washington Monument was laid on
July 4th, 1848 deposited within it were many items including
the Holy Bible presented by the Bible Society. Praise be
to God! Such was the discipline, the moral direction, and the spiritual
mood given by the founder and first President
of our unique democracy 'One Nation, Under God!
I am awed by George Washington's prayer for America ... Have you ever read it? Well, now is your unique opportunity, so read on!
' Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to dispose ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
I am awed by George Washington's prayer for America ... Have you ever read it? Well, now is your unique opportunity, so read on!
' Almighty God; We make our earnest prayer that Thou wilt keep the United States in Thy holy protection; that Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government; and entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another and for their fellow citizens of the United States at large. And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to dispose ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Journalism or Sensationalism?
According to the Encarta Dictionary, English North American
Version, Journalism is a noun, and is the profession of gathering, editing, and
publishing new reports and related articles for newspapers, magazine,
television or radio.
Using the same reference, we find that Sensationalism, on
the other hand, is the practice of emphasizing the most lurid, shocking and
emotive aspects of something under discussion or investigation, especially by
the media.
These two definitions are the basis of my thoughts today.
We live in an era where the “news” is everywhere we turn. It
is on the radio; it is on the television; it is on our computers, iPads,
iPhones, Kindles, or any one of the other devices we carry. The only problem is
that this “news” is reported in many different ways.
Some media like to spread the news like the farmer spreads
fertilizer. The intent here is to plant a seed and watch it grow. It doesn’t
make any difference to the person reporting it whether it is true, has been
investigated thoroughly, or is just idle gossip. If that particular media agent
feels it is going to generate money for the media outlet, that is apparently
all that counts. It could also have a domino effect and generate some
unfortunate incident caused directly from their improper reporting..
Other media only write or talk about subjects they feel will
benefit them. Our political system is like that. It doesn’t make any difference
what party you are a part of, you can find information that makes you feel good
about your decisions, regardless of their authenticity.
We are all guilty of bad reporting, from time to time. What?
You say you don’t think you are? Well, perhaps you are perfect, although I have
yet to meet a perfect person.
Here is an example of bad reporting by good people.
The other day a friend called to get additional information
about a party to be given by a mutual friend. I had no idea what the caller was
talking about. When the caller found I had no knowledge of the party, he became
concerned that my feelings were hurt since I apparently had not been invited. As
it turned out, this party was barely into the planning stage, and was just conversation
between two acquaintances.
Information comes from all kinds of sources. It is our
responsibility to check not only the sources, but also the content of that information. I
lead the pack in getting busy, half-reading something that fits my thinking at
the time, and sending it out, only to discover later what a fool I was for not
checking it out first.
The next time you hear something, or you read something, or
you see it on your special device or television set, check it out before
passing it on. Be sure it is Journalism and not Sensationalism.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
A Tragedy
Trayvon Martin, a tragedy, a conundrum for many, a traumatic
loss for his parents and those that loved him. The first thing anyone with a conscience
should do is extend their prayers to the families who have suffered this, loss and pray that it does not happen again,
although we know that it will, sometime, someplace.
The big question should be, “What caused this, why
did it happen?”
According to the news media, this is a young man who
was loved by his parents, parents who gave him all that they could to help him
become the man they wanted him to be. This is something that all of us, as
parents, do with the hope our sons or daughters
will grow up to be what we ourselves had hoped for ourselves.
Unfortunately, we don’t always measure up as
parents, or as sons and daughters for that matter. I was one of those young
fellows once, one that had a father who found greener pastures away from home.
Although I saw him from time to time, he was not there when I needed him the
I am sure that my mother did her very best to bring
me up and to help with that she solicited the help of my older brother, who in
turn did his best. Still, there was no father figure. No father to help me make
decisions; no father to see and join me in my achievements; no father there
when I needed him the most.
Who is to blame? Anyone? Will no one step up to bat?
All we know is what we have read and seen on the
media since day one of this incident. During that time we discovered that this
little boy, who grew to be over six feet tall; this little boy the prosecution
continued to call a “youth,” had become a man. Did he get the right direction
along the way to manhood?
When I was seventeen I had a car, a job, worked the
last year of high school part time. I had cigarettes, often had blended whiskey,
and nodoubt, other things I probably didn’t really need. One thing that I needed
was a father figure to emulate. I never
achieved that six-foot status. I didn’t have a record as a juvenile; I never
tried to intimidate anyone; I didn’t hang out where I knew I was not supposed
to be. Did I get into trouble? Not any more than any other teenager that
thought that he was beyond reproach, smarter than everyone else. Do you remember
how brilliant you thought you were at seventeen and eighteen?
How can we judge a person? Should be even try?
Our country will now get involved as an
afterthought. Where were these “upstanding” individuals when Trayvon really
needed them? Have you ever noticed how those that seek revenge, those that seek
publicity, those that try to sway their fellowmen and women to a perverted way of thinking, only come out of the dark
when there is a person in agony that they can easily prey upon and use as a spear to plunge into the side of our
justice system, or our liberty?
It is not my place to judge or to condemn. I leave
that up to the judicial system, as wrong as it can be from time to time, it is
the only thing we have that can form the
balance between good and bad.
Before any of us act, we must stop, think, perhaps
even meditate ,or pray if so disposed, about what we are about to do, and be
sure it is truly the path we want our children and our fellow citizens to
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
A Final Request
When we feel our days are numbered, when our thoughts reveal
our soul,
We reflect on things that might have been, had our visions
met our goal.
Our memories of days gone by, of things that could have
We recall every thought that we ever had, of every little
The times when we made bad choices, times when hope was
Those are the times that we remember most, of things that
could have been.
You remember your children, think of them when they were
And how life could have been better for them, had your hopes
been at your call.
But at this time when you look back, and see the things that
you did wrong,
You think of things you could have done, that would not have
taken long.
Times you could have spent, playing ball, or maybe fishing
by the stream.
Of times you could have been better, that your life was not
that extreme.
Yes, when we feel our days are numbered, and we look back at
our life,
We see that we made it what it was, whether it was calm or
We could have done things better, and made things easier for
this day,
When we should be able to leave things calmer, rather than
So to all of you who are reading this, it is time you must be strong,
You know your days are numbered, your hours left, not long.
So make amends if they need be made, and let your children
You did your best, and only ask they forgive you before you
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Lately it is difficult to tell the difference between scam and spam....or is there one? You receive that odd looking email that should be in spam but you investigate it and discover it is really spam. Is it possible that spam and scam are in cahoots?
A few weeks ago a friend of mine received a phone call from a fellow we will just call Willy for now. Willy told my friend he would be in line, if he wanted to be in line, to receive a territory that someone had retired from, in his state . The territory would produce a reasonable income and he would have a small Limited Liability Corporation assigned to him by the state and federal EIN Number.
My friend asked what would be involved and he was told that, "due to federal regulations the company could not send its representatives out to call on accounts without a referral." That was where my friend would come in. He would run some ads in places like "Craig's List" and the prospect calls would be directed to a special division of the company. At that point the "salesman" for the area would be given the names and told to call on that prospect. If the sale was made my friend would receive 1% of any loans made, 2% for all business done through their credit card terminals, and "X" dollars for each terminal to accept credit cards that the prospect might purchase. Sounds cool, right?
Well, the next phone call, after my friend paid the "reasonable fee of $695.00," came from a gentleman who insisted he had several "sharks" under his command that only had to invest $50,000.00. They could expect a return of at least $15,000.00 per month. That was when he decided this was sounding a bit strange and not a part of the training program he had been promised.
Since then he has had the paper work sent to him for the start up corporation, but with the wrong name on it, and the "attorney?" that supposedly handled his "corporation start-up" has never answered any of the phone calls my friend made to him. The trainer called him once with a list of free "on-line" advertisers like the "Craig's List" and was told that was the training he would receive.
Well, to make along story short, my friend, who will remain anonymous, is discouraged, embarrassed and out almost $700.00. He has learned that you cannot trust anyone that calls you for any reason that concerns investments, jobs, or the lovelorn.
Thought for the no one, and as my fake fish that hangs on the wall of my office says when his button is pushed, "Be Happy!"
A few weeks ago a friend of mine received a phone call from a fellow we will just call Willy for now. Willy told my friend he would be in line, if he wanted to be in line, to receive a territory that someone had retired from, in his state . The territory would produce a reasonable income and he would have a small Limited Liability Corporation assigned to him by the state and federal EIN Number.
My friend asked what would be involved and he was told that, "due to federal regulations the company could not send its representatives out to call on accounts without a referral." That was where my friend would come in. He would run some ads in places like "Craig's List" and the prospect calls would be directed to a special division of the company. At that point the "salesman" for the area would be given the names and told to call on that prospect. If the sale was made my friend would receive 1% of any loans made, 2% for all business done through their credit card terminals, and "X" dollars for each terminal to accept credit cards that the prospect might purchase. Sounds cool, right?
Well, the next phone call, after my friend paid the "reasonable fee of $695.00," came from a gentleman who insisted he had several "sharks" under his command that only had to invest $50,000.00. They could expect a return of at least $15,000.00 per month. That was when he decided this was sounding a bit strange and not a part of the training program he had been promised.
Since then he has had the paper work sent to him for the start up corporation, but with the wrong name on it, and the "attorney?" that supposedly handled his "corporation start-up" has never answered any of the phone calls my friend made to him. The trainer called him once with a list of free "on-line" advertisers like the "Craig's List" and was told that was the training he would receive.
Well, to make along story short, my friend, who will remain anonymous, is discouraged, embarrassed and out almost $700.00. He has learned that you cannot trust anyone that calls you for any reason that concerns investments, jobs, or the lovelorn.
Thought for the no one, and as my fake fish that hangs on the wall of my office says when his button is pushed, "Be Happy!"
Ault's Paradise: Preview "SCAM or SPAM?"
Ault's Paradise: Preview "SCAM or SPAM?"Find other Ault blogs with AULT.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Ault's Paradise: Tom and Jake Enjoy Writng Their Books
Ault's Paradise: Tom and Jake Enjoy Writing Their Books
Ault's Paradise: Enjoy reading other books, like the new Deavereau series.
Ault's Paradise: Enjoy reading other books, like the new Deavereau series.
I don't like to get too involved with things that happen, at least when they are on a political basis or something that I think is just for publicity, but this Boston Race was something else.
Not many of us are vigilantes, but this time I think I could become one. It is inconceivable that someone could be so ruthless, so non-caring, so ignorant that they could concoct devices that kill and maim innocent bystanders. There is no reasonable excuse for this kind of behavior.
I like to think of myself as a reasonable person, but lately I am beginning to wonder just how far a reasonable person is supposed to go regarding the acts of mindless idiots!
There are those that suggest prayer for the perpetrators is the best solution. Others feel that they should be put into mental institutions. Still others suggest counseling. Now I believe that all of these are nice and realistic solutions...for some things.
The humanoid is a complex being. He/she should think for themselves; they should develop intelligent strategies during their lifetime that fit their particular pattern of life. What they should not do is take it for granted that the movies and other programs they see are real or acceptable.
First, let's not start blaming Hollywood for everything, although I do believe they need to accept some level of incrimination for their lust for prime time, sales regardless of quality, and misleading our youth into the belief that nudity, children without marriage, language that should never be uttered, and actions beyond reasonable norms are something that need to be emphasized, publicized, or even produced. Profit appears to be their one and only goal, and that is a god we should not worship!
Now, to be really off the grid, I have to believe that since we have these actions on television, in theaters, and in the computer games, that it seems our youth are being forced to accept these situations as "normal adult behaviors." Perhaps we should consider being more "normal" with our punishment as well. How about finding the worthless coward(s) who perpetrated this horrible thing on the bystanders in Baltimore, hang them upside down in the park, and post guards around them so no one can touch them, feed them, water them, or do anything else to help them. It could be published by every newspaper in the country, and every news link on the computer could feature that picture, and the same on every television station! That would surely get the attention of those that have warped minds!
Yes, I know this is not acceptable in this day in age. It is cruel, inhumane, non-Christian treatment. Yet, if people could see what could happen to them rather than the hand-slapping that has replaced, what used to be, real punishment for crime, it might be a big shock to those that are being taught daily that it doesn't make any difference what they do, they will no longer be sheltered by the law.
Not many of us are vigilantes, but this time I think I could become one. It is inconceivable that someone could be so ruthless, so non-caring, so ignorant that they could concoct devices that kill and maim innocent bystanders. There is no reasonable excuse for this kind of behavior.
I like to think of myself as a reasonable person, but lately I am beginning to wonder just how far a reasonable person is supposed to go regarding the acts of mindless idiots!
There are those that suggest prayer for the perpetrators is the best solution. Others feel that they should be put into mental institutions. Still others suggest counseling. Now I believe that all of these are nice and realistic solutions...for some things.
The humanoid is a complex being. He/she should think for themselves; they should develop intelligent strategies during their lifetime that fit their particular pattern of life. What they should not do is take it for granted that the movies and other programs they see are real or acceptable.
First, let's not start blaming Hollywood for everything, although I do believe they need to accept some level of incrimination for their lust for prime time, sales regardless of quality, and misleading our youth into the belief that nudity, children without marriage, language that should never be uttered, and actions beyond reasonable norms are something that need to be emphasized, publicized, or even produced. Profit appears to be their one and only goal, and that is a god we should not worship!
Now, to be really off the grid, I have to believe that since we have these actions on television, in theaters, and in the computer games, that it seems our youth are being forced to accept these situations as "normal adult behaviors." Perhaps we should consider being more "normal" with our punishment as well. How about finding the worthless coward(s) who perpetrated this horrible thing on the bystanders in Baltimore, hang them upside down in the park, and post guards around them so no one can touch them, feed them, water them, or do anything else to help them. It could be published by every newspaper in the country, and every news link on the computer could feature that picture, and the same on every television station! That would surely get the attention of those that have warped minds!
Yes, I know this is not acceptable in this day in age. It is cruel, inhumane, non-Christian treatment. Yet, if people could see what could happen to them rather than the hand-slapping that has replaced, what used to be, real punishment for crime, it might be a big shock to those that are being taught daily that it doesn't make any difference what they do, they will no longer be sheltered by the law.
I just discovered that I am out of date....well, to clarify that I mean that my blog is out of date with respect to what I am writing now and new be honest I may be a little out of date too!
As most of you know, writing as a pastime has been replaced by writing as a "fever." The last time I wrote about anything I was writing, it was about "The Incident." At that time it was only about 180 pages into completion. Well since that time it has been published with 288 pages and several books have been ordered and sold, along with the Jake series and the Gilbert Clock there is the new, 400 page book, "Deavereau and the Napoleon Clock Incident."
If you would like to preview it you can do so at by just asking to turn the page. You can read about it at
Of course I would like you to visit the Deavereau website where you can become a fan, order a book, or just read a little about Deavereau. Just click the link above.
As for Jake, he is just watching what I do everyday and barks a comment from time to time.
Well, so much for now, just a little note about the newest series and one that I am sure you will enjoy. It may be the next "Castle,"...maybe.
As most of you know, writing as a pastime has been replaced by writing as a "fever." The last time I wrote about anything I was writing, it was about "The Incident." At that time it was only about 180 pages into completion. Well since that time it has been published with 288 pages and several books have been ordered and sold, along with the Jake series and the Gilbert Clock there is the new, 400 page book, "Deavereau and the Napoleon Clock Incident."
If you would like to preview it you can do so at by just asking to turn the page. You can read about it at
Of course I would like you to visit the Deavereau website where you can become a fan, order a book, or just read a little about Deavereau. Just click the link above.
As for Jake, he is just watching what I do everyday and barks a comment from time to time.
Well, so much for now, just a little note about the newest series and one that I am sure you will enjoy. It may be the next "Castle,"...maybe.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Going Wild
Have you ever thought your life just wasn't moving along the way you would like?
Have you ever thought you should do more, and just don't.
I have on both counts. Today I am considering doing something about that. Of course my wife thinks I'm nuts since I have too much to do already and can't keep up with it all, but so....what else is new?
The thought came to me that if others can do it, I can do it too. You are asking, can do what?
I am considering doing a weekly podcast! What? You think I'm nuts too? Oh well.
Just think, once a week you could see this old face staring at you as the lips move and the words, "Good Morning Friends and Relatives" leap from the speakers of your computer. Doesn't that sound exciting???
Of course it does - n't! But so what? I hear a lot of people saying things like that and I think that I could do that too.
Then I thought maybe I have to have some people to talk to. There is that newspaper columnist I know, a couple of writers, that attorney down around the corner. If I really want to go nuts I can get a real estate agent easy enough; I think I'll stay away from the insurance and used car folks though.
Well, what do you think? Am I ready with these ideas or do you think I had better give it more thought?
Hey, do you want to be on my show??
Have you ever thought you should do more, and just don't.
I have on both counts. Today I am considering doing something about that. Of course my wife thinks I'm nuts since I have too much to do already and can't keep up with it all, but so....what else is new?
The thought came to me that if others can do it, I can do it too. You are asking, can do what?
I am considering doing a weekly podcast! What? You think I'm nuts too? Oh well.
Just think, once a week you could see this old face staring at you as the lips move and the words, "Good Morning Friends and Relatives" leap from the speakers of your computer. Doesn't that sound exciting???
Of course it does - n't! But so what? I hear a lot of people saying things like that and I think that I could do that too.
Then I thought maybe I have to have some people to talk to. There is that newspaper columnist I know, a couple of writers, that attorney down around the corner. If I really want to go nuts I can get a real estate agent easy enough; I think I'll stay away from the insurance and used car folks though.
Well, what do you think? Am I ready with these ideas or do you think I had better give it more thought?
Hey, do you want to be on my show??
Sunday, April 7, 2013
A Blog by Marshall Frank that needs repeating!
Having investigated and/or supervised more than a thousand murder cases and other unnatural deaths in my thirty years at Miami-Dade Police, I know — and all homicide investigators know — the most crucial period for getting to the truth is the first 24 to 48 hours. That’s the time physical evidence and witnesses must be secured, if possible, to prevent contamination and preserve human recall without being altered.
It is now almost seven months since the raid at Benghazi, where we lost an ambassador and three other Americans. Congressional investigators are still waiting for answers to basic questions, only to be stonewalled by the administration who says they have nothing to hide. Huh?
Unanswered questions include:
Think about that the next time we hear a reference to “shame” coming from the mouth of the president.
In 1998, the press kept Bill Clinton’s White House dalliance as front page news for over a year, including the employment of a special prosecutor, until he was impeached and then tried in the senate. And that was over lying about acts of fellatio.
In 1974, after nearly two years of the media probing a past president’s array of lies and deceptions about the Watergate affair, Richard Nixon was forced to resign from office. Again, a special prosecutor was assigned. The media kept up the attack like journalistic pit bulls until a resolution was achieved. And that was only over an office burglary.
This wasn’t about an adult sex act or a burglary. It was about the pre-planned killing of four Americans in our Libyan consulate by terrorists and then the pre-planned lying about it to the press by our government officials. Preliminary investigations have unearthed other nefarious elements of the incident, such as the ambassador’s alleged role in helping to covertly arm Syrian forces.
Where is the special prosecutor? Why is the media melting down like whimpering allies of the administration. Why is this issue fading away, no longer of interest to newspapers and to television journalism? A portion of this blog was sent to local newspapers, not to see print. It was “old news.” That’s exactly what the guilty are hoping for. Their strategy worked…distract, smile, ignore, pass time into oblivion.
The facts we already know are chilling in itself. Either we have the most inept government in history or something stinks in Washington. If a local high-profile homicide investigation was investigated as shabbily as this, the chief of police would have been fired (a la Trayvon Martin) and the investigators would have been dumped or charged with malfeasance.
Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
Meanwhile, no accountability; no witnesses, no answers other than “What difference does it make?” The audacity! Still, the media fawns.
Four Americans killed. Government officials lied. Security scuttled. Witnesses unreachable. Questions avoided. Evidence missing.
We should be asking, “Who in our government obstructed justice? And why aren’t they charged?”
That makes a lot of difference, Madame Secretary.
Click here: Hillary fails Benghazi fact check – National Conservative |
Click here: Hillary Clinton snagged in Benghazi cover-up
Click here: The Mystery Behind the Benghazi Attack by Justin Raimondo —
Click here: Navy SEALs Died In Benghazi Waiting For Help Obama Failed To Send –
It is now almost seven months since the raid at Benghazi, where we lost an ambassador and three other Americans. Congressional investigators are still waiting for answers to basic questions, only to be stonewalled by the administration who says they have nothing to hide. Huh?
Unanswered questions include:
- Why was increased security at the American compound not only refused but basically scuttled to a bare minimum in the months prior to the attack?
- Considering the attack lasted nearly eight hours, why was there no deployment of military forces stationed within two to four hours of the site, to intervene or provide support and/or investigation?
- Why didn’t the U.S government exert influence upon Libya for an immediate scene investigation? Instead, FBI investigators took three weeks before arriving at the attack site, and after a mere three hours, left behind volumes of evidence and documents that may have been vital to the investigation?
- Why hasn’t the administration provided names, locations and data concerning the thirty or more witnesses to the attack, for interview and investigation – still withheld since September, 2012?
- Why did the president travel to a Las Vegas fund raiser the next day and later, exchange jokes on the Letterman Show while the compound in Benghazi was still smoldering and four Americans were murdered, including our ambassador?
- Why did the Secretary of State and the UN Ambassador lie to the American media within days after the attack when the evidence, then, was clear that this was a terrorist attack, and nothing to do with a private anti-Muslim video?
- Why did the Secretary of State dodge congressional inquiries for 4 ½ long months? Finally, when pressed for answers, she told Americans, “What difference does it make?”
Think about that the next time we hear a reference to “shame” coming from the mouth of the president.
In 1998, the press kept Bill Clinton’s White House dalliance as front page news for over a year, including the employment of a special prosecutor, until he was impeached and then tried in the senate. And that was over lying about acts of fellatio.
In 1974, after nearly two years of the media probing a past president’s array of lies and deceptions about the Watergate affair, Richard Nixon was forced to resign from office. Again, a special prosecutor was assigned. The media kept up the attack like journalistic pit bulls until a resolution was achieved. And that was only over an office burglary.
This wasn’t about an adult sex act or a burglary. It was about the pre-planned killing of four Americans in our Libyan consulate by terrorists and then the pre-planned lying about it to the press by our government officials. Preliminary investigations have unearthed other nefarious elements of the incident, such as the ambassador’s alleged role in helping to covertly arm Syrian forces.
Where is the special prosecutor? Why is the media melting down like whimpering allies of the administration. Why is this issue fading away, no longer of interest to newspapers and to television journalism? A portion of this blog was sent to local newspapers, not to see print. It was “old news.” That’s exactly what the guilty are hoping for. Their strategy worked…distract, smile, ignore, pass time into oblivion.
The facts we already know are chilling in itself. Either we have the most inept government in history or something stinks in Washington. If a local high-profile homicide investigation was investigated as shabbily as this, the chief of police would have been fired (a la Trayvon Martin) and the investigators would have been dumped or charged with malfeasance.
Where are Woodward and Bernstein when we need them?
Meanwhile, no accountability; no witnesses, no answers other than “What difference does it make?” The audacity! Still, the media fawns.
Four Americans killed. Government officials lied. Security scuttled. Witnesses unreachable. Questions avoided. Evidence missing.
We should be asking, “Who in our government obstructed justice? And why aren’t they charged?”
That makes a lot of difference, Madame Secretary.
Click here: Hillary fails Benghazi fact check – National Conservative |
Click here: Hillary Clinton snagged in Benghazi cover-up
Click here: The Mystery Behind the Benghazi Attack by Justin Raimondo —
Click here: Navy SEALs Died In Benghazi Waiting For Help Obama Failed To Send –
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
An Extra Buck
Have you ever decided that you could make some money on-line? You know one of those get rich if you're lucky schemes they push all the time. I have. No don't misunderstand me, I don't mean that I ever believed I was going to get rich quick, but I thought maybe I could make a buck or two by doing as little as possible.
I applied twice to a big box store and never heard a word. Somehow they didn't think I was able to push carts in from the parking lot, or stand at the entry and welcome everyone. Boy, they sure don't know much about me, the extrovert of the family!
So, getting back to the on-line thing. I looked into a couple of them. One said all you have to do is cut and paste a bunch of URLs onto my own website and thousands of people were going to flock to my website to order from these various and sundry ads. Yeah sure, like they don't have anything else to do?
Another one said you can stay at home, stuff envelopes until your hands bleeds or your tongue gets cut and then if you're lucky we might send you a check for your efforts. They forgot to add, "don't count on it though!"
I have since settled on writing books. Am I making money? No! Am I having a good time? Yes!
Will I ever become famous and in demand? No!
Why am I doing it? Well, I like to write, it gives me pleasure to know that someone might read it and like whatever it is I have written. I did break even last year, and that was an incentive if I do say so.
Never before have I broke even, I just stopped at the "broke" part and dropped the subject.
I have a little advice, and as you know, free advise isn't worth much, but here it is anyway;
1. Be a stay at home whatever, and do what you want to, but don't give out your money to someone who is also staying at home and taking your money to the bank.
2. Do what you want to do and can afford to do. Life is too short to mess around with someone else's ideas.
3.Remember, there is one of "those" born everyday...don't be one of them. If you are really bored, try this link.
I applied twice to a big box store and never heard a word. Somehow they didn't think I was able to push carts in from the parking lot, or stand at the entry and welcome everyone. Boy, they sure don't know much about me, the extrovert of the family!
So, getting back to the on-line thing. I looked into a couple of them. One said all you have to do is cut and paste a bunch of URLs onto my own website and thousands of people were going to flock to my website to order from these various and sundry ads. Yeah sure, like they don't have anything else to do?
Another one said you can stay at home, stuff envelopes until your hands bleeds or your tongue gets cut and then if you're lucky we might send you a check for your efforts. They forgot to add, "don't count on it though!"
I have since settled on writing books. Am I making money? No! Am I having a good time? Yes!
Will I ever become famous and in demand? No!
Why am I doing it? Well, I like to write, it gives me pleasure to know that someone might read it and like whatever it is I have written. I did break even last year, and that was an incentive if I do say so.
Never before have I broke even, I just stopped at the "broke" part and dropped the subject.
I have a little advice, and as you know, free advise isn't worth much, but here it is anyway;
1. Be a stay at home whatever, and do what you want to, but don't give out your money to someone who is also staying at home and taking your money to the bank.
2. Do what you want to do and can afford to do. Life is too short to mess around with someone else's ideas.
3.Remember, there is one of "those" born everyday...don't be one of them. If you are really bored, try this link.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Today is going to be a wonderful day. No, it is not because of the weather, or my health, or anything like that, it is because my wife and I will have the pleasure of being "Reading Buddies" for some 2nd graders at one of our local elementary schools.
Have you ever been a "Reading Buddy?"
If you haven't, a treat is awaiting you if you give it a try.
This is one of my first attempts at this and it has been rewarding. I started out with four of the little folks about two months ago. One little girl and three little boys. Admittedly, the first debut to this new adventure was a little disarming when I came to realize that these kids were not really slow, as it was deemed, they were just lonesome.
The young lady I encountered could not sit still for five seconds. She spoke to everyone that came into her eyesight,(that was everyone that walked down the hallway in front of the classroom) and she felt it was her responsibility to know everyone's business. The fact was that her folks didn't have time for her, since they both worked to make ends meet so family discussions at home were nill and to get attention, a kid had to "act out" a bit.
Being a "Reading Buddy" gives you a new insight into family life today. Being a good listener, as well as forcing yourself to have patience with each child in their reading endeavors, gives you not only that insight, but also a feeling of concern for our future generations.
Each person will have different theory about what is taking place. My wife was a teacher for this type of child for 22 years. Her insight, which she so graciously passed onto me, gave balance to my one-sided thoughts. I discovered a whole new world of people that I really didn't know about, and all from being a freind to a kid who needs one.
If you would like to help a little one be a better reader, a better person, and hopefully a much happier child...and I am sure you all would...check into your school systems and ask about their "Reading Buddy" will be glad that you did. An hour a week is a small time to give to something so important.
Oh yes, just a side note, my newest book, "Deavereau and the Napoleon Clock Incident" is now available at
Have you ever been a "Reading Buddy?"
If you haven't, a treat is awaiting you if you give it a try.
This is one of my first attempts at this and it has been rewarding. I started out with four of the little folks about two months ago. One little girl and three little boys. Admittedly, the first debut to this new adventure was a little disarming when I came to realize that these kids were not really slow, as it was deemed, they were just lonesome.
The young lady I encountered could not sit still for five seconds. She spoke to everyone that came into her eyesight,(that was everyone that walked down the hallway in front of the classroom) and she felt it was her responsibility to know everyone's business. The fact was that her folks didn't have time for her, since they both worked to make ends meet so family discussions at home were nill and to get attention, a kid had to "act out" a bit.
Being a "Reading Buddy" gives you a new insight into family life today. Being a good listener, as well as forcing yourself to have patience with each child in their reading endeavors, gives you not only that insight, but also a feeling of concern for our future generations.
Each person will have different theory about what is taking place. My wife was a teacher for this type of child for 22 years. Her insight, which she so graciously passed onto me, gave balance to my one-sided thoughts. I discovered a whole new world of people that I really didn't know about, and all from being a freind to a kid who needs one.
If you would like to help a little one be a better reader, a better person, and hopefully a much happier child...and I am sure you all would...check into your school systems and ask about their "Reading Buddy" will be glad that you did. An hour a week is a small time to give to something so important.
Oh yes, just a side note, my newest book, "Deavereau and the Napoleon Clock Incident" is now available at
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Another Day, Another Dollar--Wasted
Today is no different than any other day that I receive mail. Yes, you guessed it, another bunch of mail from people who want money.
I understand that there is a need out there for donations, but what is difficult for me to understand is, that if all of these folks can afford to spend tens of thousands of dollars on promotion materials, plus the postage to send them, and the people to stuff and get them to the post office, where do they get that money.
This week has just started and I have already disposed of donations requests from the Republican Party (three last week), An animal rescue center, the AmVets, the Hospitalized Vets, and of course, our church.
Now I don't want you to think I am a person who doesn't believe in sharing the wealth. That would not be true. Just yesterday I asked my neighbor to give me a buck or two and he laughed and walked away. He thought I was joking.
Every week I give time, talent and cash to the church, I donate time to the local Retired Peoples group here, and of course to a school we, my wife and I, dontate an hour or so to kids that have a problem reading. I don't mind doing these things, as a matter of face, I kind of enjoy it.
I have a different perspective however, on those snail mail requests. A question that comes into my mind, especially about the Republican Party, and I am sure the Democrat Party and doubt other parties as well, is rather than have ten different little agencies in the same party sending out information from several locations requesting donations, why don't they combine, regroup, put all of their money into one bucket and share the questionair information? I have received, in the last two weeks, from five different agencies (supposedly affiliated with the Republican Party) the same basic request for information and money, and all with almost identical "Infomercials" for me to digest.
Well, so much for the soap box! Just wanted to let you know that I don't intend to send out $10.00 or more (now they want $40.00 to $60.00) to five different parts of the same institution. You would think the "intelligent" people in our government could apply their college trained minds to something, shall we say, intelligent?
I understand that there is a need out there for donations, but what is difficult for me to understand is, that if all of these folks can afford to spend tens of thousands of dollars on promotion materials, plus the postage to send them, and the people to stuff and get them to the post office, where do they get that money.
This week has just started and I have already disposed of donations requests from the Republican Party (three last week), An animal rescue center, the AmVets, the Hospitalized Vets, and of course, our church.
Now I don't want you to think I am a person who doesn't believe in sharing the wealth. That would not be true. Just yesterday I asked my neighbor to give me a buck or two and he laughed and walked away. He thought I was joking.
Every week I give time, talent and cash to the church, I donate time to the local Retired Peoples group here, and of course to a school we, my wife and I, dontate an hour or so to kids that have a problem reading. I don't mind doing these things, as a matter of face, I kind of enjoy it.
I have a different perspective however, on those snail mail requests. A question that comes into my mind, especially about the Republican Party, and I am sure the Democrat Party and doubt other parties as well, is rather than have ten different little agencies in the same party sending out information from several locations requesting donations, why don't they combine, regroup, put all of their money into one bucket and share the questionair information? I have received, in the last two weeks, from five different agencies (supposedly affiliated with the Republican Party) the same basic request for information and money, and all with almost identical "Infomercials" for me to digest.
Well, so much for the soap box! Just wanted to let you know that I don't intend to send out $10.00 or more (now they want $40.00 to $60.00) to five different parts of the same institution. You would think the "intelligent" people in our government could apply their college trained minds to something, shall we say, intelligent?
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Can YOU Afford to Eat in Alabama?
Well, here I am again, on my soapbox, complaining about government...this time it is our wonderful, Home Sweet Home, Alabama that is on my mind.
Have you considered where you spend the most on tax during the year? One could say, "I think it was on my car," and that could be true this year but over how many years can that tax be spread, five years? Six Years" Ten Years? Maybe once in your lifetime? You don't buy cars everyday!
What about those appliances? The washing machine, the dryer, the refrigerator,perhaps an airconidioner? Yes, those are all things that we pay a sales tax on, but again, not every week, month or for that matter every year.
I guess what I want to say is the one thing everyone pays tax on, and pays it every day or at least once a month, food!
Let's say that you spend, as we do, about $35.00 each on food each week. Now that isn't a bunch of frivolous foods like chips and dips, special desserts, or beer and wine...I mean the meat and potatoes type stuff, that food stuff group that people need to stay healthy. Do you realize that you are spending $35.00 for groceries and an additional 8% or $2.80, each week? Let's see now, if we spend $35.00 a week and another $2.80 per week on taxes to eat, I guess we are spending about $145.60 per person per year. If you are a family of four, that is about $582.40 per year for the right to eat.
Don't misunderstand what my meaning here! I am not saying there should be no tax at all, although in many states staple foods are not taxed. But would it not be nice if you had perhaps a 2% tax instead. You would actually have an additional $436.80 per year or $8.40 per week for those needed vegetables, fruits, or what ever your meal plan may require.
Maybe, just maybe, our legislature people just don't understand that the one thing everyone in this state has to have is food. Again I am not talking about chips and dips, although I sometimes think that is about what a lot of our families live on these days. I mean real food.
Let's all push for a tax reform that addresses the needs of our people. What do you think?
Have you considered where you spend the most on tax during the year? One could say, "I think it was on my car," and that could be true this year but over how many years can that tax be spread, five years? Six Years" Ten Years? Maybe once in your lifetime? You don't buy cars everyday!
What about those appliances? The washing machine, the dryer, the refrigerator,perhaps an airconidioner? Yes, those are all things that we pay a sales tax on, but again, not every week, month or for that matter every year.
I guess what I want to say is the one thing everyone pays tax on, and pays it every day or at least once a month, food!
Let's say that you spend, as we do, about $35.00 each on food each week. Now that isn't a bunch of frivolous foods like chips and dips, special desserts, or beer and wine...I mean the meat and potatoes type stuff, that food stuff group that people need to stay healthy. Do you realize that you are spending $35.00 for groceries and an additional 8% or $2.80, each week? Let's see now, if we spend $35.00 a week and another $2.80 per week on taxes to eat, I guess we are spending about $145.60 per person per year. If you are a family of four, that is about $582.40 per year for the right to eat.
Don't misunderstand what my meaning here! I am not saying there should be no tax at all, although in many states staple foods are not taxed. But would it not be nice if you had perhaps a 2% tax instead. You would actually have an additional $436.80 per year or $8.40 per week for those needed vegetables, fruits, or what ever your meal plan may require.
Maybe, just maybe, our legislature people just don't understand that the one thing everyone in this state has to have is food. Again I am not talking about chips and dips, although I sometimes think that is about what a lot of our families live on these days. I mean real food.
Let's all push for a tax reform that addresses the needs of our people. What do you think?
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Time's a Wastin'
It seems like yesterday that I wrote in this blog, but I know it has been much longer than that. You know my time just wastes away, mostly while I am trying to decide if I want to write anything or not, and then when I decide that I should, I don't know what to write about. Do you have that problem?
Lately I have been reminiscing about time wasted and lost. When I first was married, I thought living on an acreage or small farm would be wonderful, you know the fresh air, the unencumbered breezes, the smell of nature at its finest. I bought an acreage. It had no facilities, a pump for water, and a clothesline in the side yard. The furnace consisted of a small gas stove in one of the two rooms downstairs and a wood burning range in the kitchen that had a reservoir for heating water and do the dishes and whatnot. We even used that for washing our hands and face. The upstairs was a real gem. Two bedrooms without doors, and you didn't have to go outside to enjoy the breezes either. You could just stand at the top of the stairs and smell those wonderful odors of farm life and enjoy the breeze as it waved between the boards on the side of the housr. I have to tell you we had it all. All of the misery you could ask for in that modern age that is.
We moved from there, after two years of hardship, and decided to return back to the real world where we purchased a rreal house. It was about twenty four feet each direction, had a furnace, inside plumbing, a detached garage and a fenced in back yard. Now, this was really moving up in the world. I had wasted over two years of our lives by that time. No, I wasn't out of work, as a matter of fact I had a great job; it started at 6:00 AM every morning and ended at 2:30 PM every afternoon, just in time to come to the acreage and start the tractor for the evening chores. Those two years made time go slow, and I figure now that it was just time a'wastin'.
Since that time I have moved my family into seven states, seventeen different places to live, and tore them from ever thinking of a normal life like other folks. Some folks just don't enjoy life like I have. I have a friend who stayed back home and took a job and at the same time I turned one down with the same company. He stayed there until he retired. He drives a new car every year, plays golf at least three times a week, has a very large, and new, home, two kids, seven grandchildren, and seems to have a great life. During all of those boring years he spent at the same company, I had two jobs, spent twenty years trying to convince myself that being in business for myself was good, and finally retired with a shirt on my back, a small home on the lake, and a lot of time to waste. I have none of those problems he has, getting up early to go to the golf course, putting up with all of those kids, and having that big house to maintain. Just imagine the worry he has every time he parks that new car wondering who is going to hit it, or key it, or do something else to it.
Today, I spend somewhere near five hours a day on the computer with email, blogs, web sites, miscellaneous stuff like PCH contests, and other not-worthwhile things. I am still a wastin' a lot of time, but you know what? I look around and see most of my old buddies have bit the dust. Yeah, they just folded in the card hand and gave up. Maybe my time of waste wasn't so bad after all. I never suffer from work related stress, I argue with no one, but in stead just leave when I get fed up with the way things are or the way they were back when.
Now here I am, married to wonderful gal from up north, living in mid-south, and enjoying this wasted time immensely. Why not join me and we will start a new world of just doin' nothin' but wastin' time.
Lately I have been reminiscing about time wasted and lost. When I first was married, I thought living on an acreage or small farm would be wonderful, you know the fresh air, the unencumbered breezes, the smell of nature at its finest. I bought an acreage. It had no facilities, a pump for water, and a clothesline in the side yard. The furnace consisted of a small gas stove in one of the two rooms downstairs and a wood burning range in the kitchen that had a reservoir for heating water and do the dishes and whatnot. We even used that for washing our hands and face. The upstairs was a real gem. Two bedrooms without doors, and you didn't have to go outside to enjoy the breezes either. You could just stand at the top of the stairs and smell those wonderful odors of farm life and enjoy the breeze as it waved between the boards on the side of the housr. I have to tell you we had it all. All of the misery you could ask for in that modern age that is.
We moved from there, after two years of hardship, and decided to return back to the real world where we purchased a rreal house. It was about twenty four feet each direction, had a furnace, inside plumbing, a detached garage and a fenced in back yard. Now, this was really moving up in the world. I had wasted over two years of our lives by that time. No, I wasn't out of work, as a matter of fact I had a great job; it started at 6:00 AM every morning and ended at 2:30 PM every afternoon, just in time to come to the acreage and start the tractor for the evening chores. Those two years made time go slow, and I figure now that it was just time a'wastin'.
Since that time I have moved my family into seven states, seventeen different places to live, and tore them from ever thinking of a normal life like other folks. Some folks just don't enjoy life like I have. I have a friend who stayed back home and took a job and at the same time I turned one down with the same company. He stayed there until he retired. He drives a new car every year, plays golf at least three times a week, has a very large, and new, home, two kids, seven grandchildren, and seems to have a great life. During all of those boring years he spent at the same company, I had two jobs, spent twenty years trying to convince myself that being in business for myself was good, and finally retired with a shirt on my back, a small home on the lake, and a lot of time to waste. I have none of those problems he has, getting up early to go to the golf course, putting up with all of those kids, and having that big house to maintain. Just imagine the worry he has every time he parks that new car wondering who is going to hit it, or key it, or do something else to it.
Today, I spend somewhere near five hours a day on the computer with email, blogs, web sites, miscellaneous stuff like PCH contests, and other not-worthwhile things. I am still a wastin' a lot of time, but you know what? I look around and see most of my old buddies have bit the dust. Yeah, they just folded in the card hand and gave up. Maybe my time of waste wasn't so bad after all. I never suffer from work related stress, I argue with no one, but in stead just leave when I get fed up with the way things are or the way they were back when.
Now here I am, married to wonderful gal from up north, living in mid-south, and enjoying this wasted time immensely. Why not join me and we will start a new world of just doin' nothin' but wastin' time.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Tom and Jake Enjoy Writng Their Books
If you would like to read some blogs, order some books, and just find out more about Tom Ault and Jake, click here!
Jake is now five years old. He is still inquisitive, loves everyone, and wishes he could talk. No doubt he thinks of himself as my little boy since I treat him that way, but if you have a pet, you know what I am talking about.
Jake's books of color photographs in the 8x10 size with descriptions of the photos, questions for the kids about color, numbers and other things wereoriginally written for my step-grandchildren and my great grandchildren, but have been enjoyed by many other children over the past couple of years. The latest Jake book is a gift book designed to give for Valentines Day, Birthdays, Christmas or just to say "I Love You" to your favorite child. There is a place in front for your picture and a note or two from you...this is a keepsake book of 184 pages...for the price, it can't be beat by any full color, 10x8 size book.
My newest book is "Deavereau, and the Napoleon Clock Incident.". If you like suspense and unexpected endings, you will enjoy this book and meeting Deavereau, the new handsome detective and his beautiful sidekick.
Jake always likes nice emails. Just click here for Jake.
Jake is now five years old. He is still inquisitive, loves everyone, and wishes he could talk. No doubt he thinks of himself as my little boy since I treat him that way, but if you have a pet, you know what I am talking about.
Jake's books of color photographs in the 8x10 size with descriptions of the photos, questions for the kids about color, numbers and other things wereoriginally written for my step-grandchildren and my great grandchildren, but have been enjoyed by many other children over the past couple of years. The latest Jake book is a gift book designed to give for Valentines Day, Birthdays, Christmas or just to say "I Love You" to your favorite child. There is a place in front for your picture and a note or two from you...this is a keepsake book of 184 pages...for the price, it can't be beat by any full color, 10x8 size book.
My newest book is "Deavereau, and the Napoleon Clock Incident.". If you like suspense and unexpected endings, you will enjoy this book and meeting Deavereau, the new handsome detective and his beautiful sidekick.
Jake always likes nice emails. Just click here for Jake.
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