Economic Failure or Redemption, Your Choice or the NEW Government?
We are fast approaching a time of national bankruptcy.
1. No Increase due to no COLA in benefits through 2013*
2. General Increase in Medicare deductions from program*
Increased Costs:
1. Auto Gas is a continuous gouging process
2. Medical and Pharmaceutical Companies continual gouging process
3. Legal Profession continual gouging process
4. Groceries and other staples continue to increase
Possible Cure:
1. Eliminate cap on earnings for Social Security withholding
2. Eliminate automatic $700.00 per month paid to insurance companies when a supplemental policy taken out by reciprocates of the program**
3. Cut Social Security and Medicare deduction percent to 4 percent from 6.2 percent for employees and employers.***
*According to a May 2, 2009 publication and information given by Mr. Certner from AARP (according to that article), there will be no Cost-Of-Living-Adjustments made for the years of 2010 or 2011. At the same time medicare costs for part B will increase from the standard $96.40 deduction per month to$119.00 in 2010 and $123.00 in 2011. This will mean, of course, the average American receiving this social security will be reduced from the $1153.00 per month less $96.40 ($1056.60) being received now, to $1034.00 in 2010 and further reduced to $1030.00 in 2011.
**Many Social Security Recipients have chosen to use medical insurance
companies that receive $700.00 per month from government, in their
behalf, to insure them instead of purchasing other gap insurance programs.
Eliminating this cost for every citizen enrolled in such a program would
Immediately constitute a saving to the medicare plan of $700.00 times
How ever many people are on the plan and that could constitute millions of Dollars being spent on people you rarely use the doctors and drugs but pay the price anyhow..
***AT present employers and employees split the 12.4% being paid into the social security program but only up to a limit of a $90,000.00 salary cap. This means for every dollar earned over the $90,000.00 limit nothing goes toward the social security medicare or social security programs. With the salary ranges of today this cap is no longer one we can live with because:
1.Our families are getting smaller, now a 1.6 children per household
a. Our population is decreasing at an alarming rate
2.Our population is living longer
a. More medical and care costs for the retired
b. Less money coming in – more going out
It can no longer remain a constant that today’s money will pay for today’s costs. That formula must change and rather than kill the goose that lays the golden egg ( in this case over taxing with income tax a group of people that make the country viable) help them to make our lives what they should be. Those people today are saying they don’t think it is fair to tax them with social security when they will not receive any. While that sounds realistic it is not.
While that money is being made it is the time to create a new order in the administration by allowing everyone to pay on every dollar towards a plan for the future. Not being taken into consideration is the fact that if those earning now have to pay for a nursing home for their parents the cost will far surpass that of an extended social security.
At the last check I had on those costs for a nice home for retirement it was a minimum of $1500.00 per month for a room with a bath and kitchenette, the utilities and one meal per day. If that person had to move to a full care facility the cost is in excess of $7200.00 per month. My question is, “How many pay that kind of money into social security?”
Don’t take my figures for granted. Check them out for yourselves and make the determination, is this administration actually taking care of us or is it sending this country into a debt from which it will never recover? Is it planning for the demise of the elderly at their convenience by dictating the health parameters for them? Is it moving us toward a government concept we have fought the many generations it has existed? Are you going to be happy to work hard, get the needed education and earn the same reward as the illegal immigrants that seem to be migrating to this country?
Whether we like it or not, since we have chosen to have small families many times due to the extreme costs of raising children we have reached a declining rate of growth. It is being proven that at 1.6 children per family we cannot survive. Our population will decrease substantially by 2039.
We need to have the Latino population but they need to be documented citizens, speaking a unified language called English, paying their fair share of taxes and social security without under the table arrangements by ill-advised employers.
The Latino family nucleus plus the now average United States family would still only come to a 2.11 ratio which is barely sustaining for the country. On the other hand the Islamic family nucleus is 8.6. Who do you want running our country by the year 2039?
It is at that point in time when 50 million of our people will be Islamic and the dominant world religion will be Islamic.
Sources: NY Times-May 2-Robert Pear
Website for Social Security Information
Universal Health Insurance
YouTube..Muslim Demographics
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