Saturday, November 3, 2007

A Gentleman's Perspective

Keep inconveniences in perspective.This past week I was on a four and a half hour, non-stop flight from Seattle, Washington, to Atlanta, Georgia In all my years of traveling, I have learned that each time a plane has the opportunity to stop, there is potential for unexpected challenges. Flight delays, weather and airline crews can create unanticipated challenges on any trip. Therefore, I always try to fly non-stop between my destinations.About an hour into this particular flight, the Captain's voice rang over the intercom. He asked if there was a physician or nurse on the plane. If so, he asked them to identify themselves by ringing the flight attendant call button beside their seat. I listened carefully but heard no one ring their bell. Immediately began to wonder what was happening.In a few minutes the Captain informed us that there was a medical emergency on board and asked again if there was a physician or a nurse who could help. When there was no response, we were told that we were going to make an emergency stop in Denver, Colorado. He apologized but told us that there would be a medical emergency team waiting to meet us at the gate and that we would probably only be delayed by about thirty minutes.Though it was necessary, we knew we would all be inconvenienced by the extra stop. About half an hour later, we landed at Denver International Airport and the medical crew immediately came on board. However, everything took longer than had previously been expected. An elderly gentleman, about 85 years old, had suddenly taken ill. It was not clear whether he had experienced a stroke or heart attack.Even after the gentleman was carried off of the plane, we still sat there for quite a while. The original "short" stop turned into about an hour and half.When we finally pushed back from the gate and were in the air, the pilot apologized profusely for the unavoidable delay. He said that since the stop had taken longer than expected, those passengers who needed to make connections in Atlanta would miss their flights but would automatically be booked on the next flight out.You could almost hear the moans and groans throughout the airplane of everyone who was being inconvenienced by the unexpected stop.Then the pilot did one of the classiest things I have personally ever seen or heard anyone do. He spoke into the intercom and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I thought you might be interested in one bit of information. The elderly gentleman who was taken off the plane was a Marine in WWII. I am holding in my hand a copy of the Congressional Medal of Honor that was awarded to him and signed by President Harry Truman in 1945." The pilot went on to say, "I realize that we have all been inconvenienced today. However, in light of the fact that this gentleman was a war hero and was inconvenienced for four years of his life in order that we might experience the freedoms that we enjoy today, I thought you all should know that."Immediately the airplane was filled with applause. Everyone was cheering and so pleased to know that the gentleman had been cared for in a way that was fitting and appropriate. As we continued to fly, I thought to myself, "Isn't that interesting? We were concerned that we were inconvenienced for a couple of hours and yet, this gentleman's entire life was interrupted and inconvenienced for over four years while he went and fought in a war to protect the freedoms and values that we love and hold dear in this country today."I breathed a prayer for the gentleman and asked God to bless him for all he had done to help us understand what freedom is all about."History does not entrust the care of freedom to the weak or timid." - Dwight D. EisenhowerMinorities.....We need to show more sympathy for these people.* They travel miles in the heat.* They risk their lives crossing a border.* They don't get paid enough wages.* They do jobs that others won't do or are afraid to do.* They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.* They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day every day.I'm not talking about illegal Aliens; I'm talking about our troops!Doesn't it seem strange that many Democrats and some Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don't support our troops and are now threatening to de fund them?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Irresponsible Government

In Case you have not seen this.

33 Senators Voted Against English as America 's Official Language June 6, 2007On Wed, 6 June 2007 23:35:23 -0500, "Colonel Harry Riley USA ret" wrote:Senators,Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill 1348, to make English America's official language is astounding. On D-Day no less when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens. I don't much care where you come from, what your religion is, whether you're black, white or some other color, male or female, democrat, republican or independent, but I do care when you're a United States Senator, representing citizens of America and vote against English as the official language of the United States Your vote reflects betrayal, political surrender, violates your pledge of allegiance, dishonors historical principle, rejects patriotism, borders on traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United States Senator... impeachment, recall, or other appropriate action is warranted. Worse, 4 of you voting against English as America 's official language are presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, and Senator Obama. Those 4 Senators vying to lead America but won't or don't have the courage to cast a vote in favor of English as America's official language when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language. This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators have disgraced themselves as political hacks... unworthy as Senators and certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States. If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a back-lash so stunning it will literally rock you out of your panties... and preferably, totally out of the United States Senate.The entire immigration bill is a farce... your action only confirms this really isn't about America ; it's about self-serving politics... despicable at best."Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ anonymous The following senators voted against making English the official language of America : Akaka (D-HI) Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Wants to be President?Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Cantwell (D-WA) Clinton (D-NY) Wants to be President?Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Wants to be President?Domenici (R-NM) Coward, protecting his Senate seat...Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Not unusual for himFeinstein (D-CA) Harkin (D-IA) Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Wanted to be PresidentKohl (D-WI) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lieberman (D-CT) Disappointment here.....Menendez (D-NJ) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Wants to be President?Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority LeaderSalazar (D-CO) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-M)"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale, and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged." ~ President Abraham Lincoln " Amen "

Irresponsible Government

In Case you have not seen this.

33 Senators Voted Against English as America 's Official Language June 6, 2007On Wed, 6 June 2007 23:35:23 -0500, "Colonel Harry Riley USA ret" wrote:Senators,Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill 1348, to make English America's official language is astounding. On D-Day no less when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens. I don't much care where you come from, what your religion is, whether you're black, white or some other color, male or female, democrat, republican or independent, but I do care when you're a United States Senator, representing citizens of America and vote against English as the official language of the United States Your vote reflects betrayal, political surrender, violates your pledge of allegiance, dishonors historical principle, rejects patriotism, borders on traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United States Senator... impeachment, recall, or other appropriate action is warranted. Worse, 4 of you voting against English as America 's official language are presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, and Senator Obama. Those 4 Senators vying to lead America but won't or don't have the courage to cast a vote in favor of English as America's official language when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language. This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators have disgraced themselves as political hacks... unworthy as Senators and certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States. If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a back-lash so stunning it will literally rock you out of your panties... and preferably, totally out of the United States Senate.The entire immigration bill is a farce... your action only confirms this really isn't about America ; it's about self-serving politics... despicable at best."Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ anonymous The following senators voted against making English the official language of America : Akaka (D-HI) Bayh (D-IN) Biden (D-DE) Wants to be President?Bingaman (D-NM) Boxer (D-CA) Cantwell (D-WA) Clinton (D-NY) Wants to be President?Dayton (D-MN) Dodd (D-CT) Wants to be President?Domenici (R-NM) Coward, protecting his Senate seat...Durbin (D-IL) Feingold (D-WI) Not unusual for himFeinstein (D-CA) Harkin (D-IA) Inouye (D-HI) Jeffords (I-VT) Kennedy (D-MA) Kerry (D-MA) Wanted to be PresidentKohl (D-WI) Lautenberg (D-NJ) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) Lieberman (D-CT) Disappointment here.....Menendez (D-NJ) Mikulski (D-MD) Murray (D-WA) Obama (D-IL) Wants to be President?Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Senate Majority LeaderSalazar (D-CO) Sarbanes (D-MD) Schumer (D-NY) Stabenow (D-M)"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale, and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged." ~ President Abraham Lincoln " Amen "

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Progress? Or the Lack Of It.

Progress or should it be “Lack” of progress?

Consider this. Schaumburg Illinois was a quiet, small, nice, basically crime free town a few years back. Today it is a highly desired, heavy office building and corporate headquarter area where the houses have shot out of site in price, the land values are beyond belief and the taxes have all but devoured the common man.

Then of course, there is the more local industrialized urban dwelling called Tampa Bay which is a group of several cities making up one metropolis. Not long ago the "City of Green Benches", as St. Petersburg was known, was just that. You could stroll downtown and enjoy the beautiful old hotels that had been there for many years, the streets with the green benches, or wander through the park downtown. There was adequate parking, friendly folks and even a nice department store with a tea room. Today, all of that is gone. The old hotels (except for the Vinoy) have been destroyed and replaced with modem high rise buildings which have obliterated the view of the beautiful bay that once was a landmark worth seeing. Sidewalk cafes, boutique shops, and all the wanders of New York style living now have taken over the quaint downtown, parking is all but impossible, the view is gone and the once uncluttered sidewalks are now shoulder to shoulder people.

Preferring to move south, many folks from those little towns like Boston, North Andover, Buffalo and others have found a paradise called Citrus County. Seeking out the quiet countryside took some doing but they have accomplished it and have taken the beckoned call of "Come on down".
Now the northerners have come south, the southerners have come north and the twain has met, right here in our once quiet little area. Are they all happy? Or course not. Everyone knows that living here is cheaper than up north or down south, right?

Let's see how the complaint factory has grown:
1. "I think we need more restaurants like we had before, but I don't want to see any more taxes and I certainly don't want to pay more for a place to live."
2. "I want to have green grass all year long and have the showplace I never had up north but I don't understand why I can't have all the water I need or think I need." 3. "I don't know why the roads here can't be four or six lanes wide so I can get to the restaurant for breakfast when I want to without any traffic."
4. "If these young folks weren't going to work all the time we would have more space on the roads and in the parking lots."
5. "There are more protective vehicles, planes and so forth here than the bigger place that I came from. Why do we need them, we don't seem to have that much crime here?"
6. "I can't understand why we are getting tax increases, with so many more people you would think the taxes being evenly distributed would go down."

Gosh, it just dawned on me, maybe we would not have all of these questions if people would just quit moving here, stay where they were happy and leave us alone!.

Dogs or People? Are They Alike?

Dogs or People?-----------Fast or Cautious?
I have had two dogs in my lifetime that were memorable.
One ran fast, ate fast, barked a lot and dashed about without direction. He was a lot of fun to have around and kept us all entertained but really exhausted us with his moving about.
The other laid quietly, growled at strangers, welcomed friends and while not as loud and ferocious looking he was always on guard doing the right thing when needed and basically doing so unnoticed.
Which dog would you like to have?
Looking into the paper, watching television, or listening to the radio, it doesn't matter where you are or what you hear, especially in an election year, it is all kind oflike whitewash. I don't mean to say that you don't hear a bit of truth here and there plus a few fibs now and then, I just mean you can't ascertain which is which and can't remember who said it.
I see that now the newspapers have quit endorsing candidates for president. I think they should stop endorsing all candidates. They seem to end up endorsing the fast running, fast talking dog rather than the cautious one. The one that does the squeaking like a dry wheel bearing gets the attention while the well maintained bearing that runs without a problem doesn't get the space that should be its due.
Yes, having a squeaky wheel in office causes a lot of commotion but I notice very little gets accomplished except for an occasional public pacifier, while the silent smooth running one continues to operate, accomplishes goals that are set and just keep moving along.

Dogs or People? Are They Alike?

Progress or should it be “Lack” of progress?

Consider this. Schaumburg Illinois was a quiet, small, nice, basically crime free town a few years back. Today it is a highly desired, heavy office building and corporate headquarter area where the houses have shot out of site in price, the land values are beyond belief and the taxes have all but devoured the common man.
Then of course, there is the more local industrialized urban dwelling called Tampa Bay which is a group of several cities making up one metropolis. Not long ago the "City of Green Benches", as St. Petersburg was known, was just that. You could stroll downtown and enjoy the beautiful old hotels that had been there for many years, the streets with the green benches, or wander through the park downtown. There was adequate parking, friendly folks and even a nice department store with a tea room. Today, all of that is gone. The old hotels (except for the Vinoy) have been destroyed and replaced with modem high rise buildings which have obliterated the view of the beautiful bay that once was a landmark worth seeing. Sidewalk cafes, boutique shops, and all the wanders of New York style living now have taken over the quaint downtown, parking is all but impossible, the view is gone and the once uncluttered sidewalks are now shoulder to shoulder people.
Preferring to move south, many folks from those little towns like Boston, North Andover, Buffalo and others have found a paradise called Citrus County. Seeking out the quiet countryside took some doing but they have accomplished it and have taken the beckoned call of "Come on down".
Now the northerners have come south, the southerners have come north and the twain has met, right here in our once quiet little area. Are they all happy? Or course not. Everyone knows that living here is cheaper than up north or down south, right?
Let's see how the complaint factory has grown.
1. "I think we need more restaurants like we had before, but I don't want to see any more taxes and I certainly don't want to pay more for a place to live."
2. "I want to have green grass all year long and have the showplace I never had up north but I don't understand why I can't have all the water I need or think I need." 3. "I don't know why the roads here can't be four or six lanes wide so I can get to the restaurant for breakfast when I want to without any traffic."
4. "If these young folks weren't going to work all the time we would have more space on the roads and in the parking lots."
5. "There are more protective vehicles, planes and so forth here than the bigger place that I came from. Why do we need them, we don't seem to have that much crime here?"
6. "I can't understand why we are getting tax increases, with so many more people you would think the taxes being evenly distributed would go down."
Gosh, it just dawned on me, maybe we would not have all of these questions if people would just quit moving here, stay where they were happy and leave us alone!.

Travel, I Guess So, But Why?

We recently returned from a wonderful trip over seas during which we spent several days touring places we have dreamed of but never thought we would see. When we returned home everyone asked, "Did you enjoy your trip", and "What was the most memorable?"
Well, to answer the first question we have to say, "Yes, we enjoyed our trip". As to why, sometimes I have to question myself (and my wife) at some length. We came home bushed, beat, tired, and hardly relaxed. If you have never been to Italy, Sicily or any of those wonderful old places I can only suggest you should take the trip. Now I think it is only fair to let you know that in order to feel completely safe if is necessary to do a few things.
1. Be sure you have special pockets sewn inside your wearing apparel that no one can reach when you are in a crowd. Pick pockets are a valuable asset to the cities there and keep the economy rolling with stolen things like credit cards, Rolex watches and other things than can be easily removed from outside pockets, back packs and jackets left on chair backs.
2. Be sure you have mirrors welded on your glasses (if you wear glasses) so you can see many directions at the same time when walking across the streets where they have meaningless traffic lights. You must remember you are in a country where the green means you can go and hit anything in your path legally, yellow means too bad if you didn't move fast enough and red means look out, the bulls are
. .
mnmng agam.
3. Don't rent a car! This is a must for all beginning tourists in these countries. You will become the target for all those talented drivers that live there and there are thousands of them. Some drive cars the size of matchstick autos, others motor scoots that can zigzag through the busiest of traffic and then there are a few bicycle riders who like to see if you can dodge them as they whiz by barely missing you. Of course then there are those on the street too!
4. Learn how to park in precarious ways before attempting to do it there. Attempt to park where you would never dream of parking at home. A perfect example of this would be in front of fire hydrants straight in, not parallel, or on the comer where people have to walk around your vehicle. You may try to park on the sidewalk but be careful not to hit a pedestrian here, although that could be negotiable over there. Keep in mind there are two cars for every available space and the motor scoots are parked by the 100' s on every sidewalk, in alleys, and crevices where they should not fit in.
5. Learning the language would be helpful as well. Like Toilettel Keep you change handy as you will have to pay for anything from a place to do your duty, the paper required, or just the pleasure of being there. Also, when trying to find something you immediately know if you only speak English you are not welcome. All signs are written in any foreign language needed except the one you speak and if you only speak English you are in big trouble. And will be lost continuously.
6. Be aware of the money situation. Plan on spending twice as much as you had originally planned and bring back half of what you had hoped for. If money is not problem you can purchase needed articles like $3000.00 purses, $5000.00 dollar
suits and various and sundry other things you would never pay that much for at home.
Then as to "What was the most memorable?" The first thing that comes to my mind is 'huge'. The reason for this is every building we saw was extremely large. When we do a new office building we think in terms of alleys, sidewalks and other customer areas. They think in terms of filling the city block completely with a small walkway around the outside for parking motor scoots. Well, they might be an exaggeration, but the buildings do appear to take up the entire block and made of large blocks of cut out stone rather than the simple concrete formed things we use.
Another term could be 'old'. Of course we expected to see a lot of old things but what we did not consider is that to us old means a couple hundred years at the most. To them it is somewhere between a couple thousand and at least seven or eight hundred years old. New construction is still a couple of hundred years to yesterday, depending on which part of the city you may be touring.
All in all, we had a great trip, saw a lot of things we never thought we would see, and met a lot of wonderful people. Give it a shot, you'll love it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ault's Paradise: The Beginning

Ault's Paradise: The Beginning

From the beginning in 1977 I knew Florida was the place to be. I recall the first time I attended a church service in St. Petersburg the minister started the service with "Good Morning Congregation and welcome to God's Paradise on earth, right here in Florida".

Since then the years have flown by, the grand children have grown up and a new great grandchild was born. My new wife has a grandchild coming in November and the world is wonderful. I have published one book, wrote several articles accompanied with pictures in the local newspaper supplement, been on numerous cruises to the Caribbean, and to Alaska,Hawaii,, Spain, Italy, Croatia and the tip of France and a plane trip to England for a week. We have taken over 3000 pictures in all and posted most of them on for everyone to see.

Yes, this is Ault's me.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another Day, Another dollar--I wish

Well, it is another day but unfortunately the buck fell short. Got very excited on Saturday as I probably already told you and sold three books for a whopping 30 cent profit less four hours time and the gas to get to the store. The story of my life.

I finished my initial web site finally at and who knows it may even help sell something. If nothing else it will give everyone an opportunity to visit other authors web sites and see what is happening in the world of new and talented people I meet along the way.

Three of the four have been published, kind of like me but more so, and one is going to have her book come out in April or sooner 2008.

You know, knowing these people is great and has enriched my life. Their knowledge, excitement in their trade and the work they do is exhilerating. I have always been impressed with Michael Ault's work in the Oracle Software technical writing and now I understand he is about ready to surface with a new, fantasy book. This will be a direct 90 degree turn from his other 27 published works so it should be a good read.

Well, I could go on and on but it is time to stop, slip out to my writer's shed where the secret computer is awaiting my touch to conjure up a Halloween tale for the Writers Circle on Thursday.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Beginning

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I suppose that may sound a bit on the dreary side for a lot of you, but then, for me it is the beginning, the very essence of my being.

I have been a salesman trainer, sales manager, credit and operations manager and a slave to many other things, but now, today, I am a slave only to myself and my wife. (more to my wife than myself, I might add)

Today was a day to remember. I attended my first "book signing" at a local book store along with a friend and writer, Elissa as well as another very talented authoress.(you must excuse my use of prior acceptable titles, but that is just the way it is. We sat for four hours and enjoyed meeting a lot of folks, even sold some books. All was well until the end when the time came to settle up on the money.

Now what I naively did not know, was the type of commission percent you had to leave behind to pay for that chair, a table shared with others and the right to be there without even a name in the paper. (for that was my fault-as usual I waited to the last minute to advise them I was coming) The only reason I mention this is that if your don't know it, you feel a bit caustic when told the percent you are leaving behind is equal to all you were going to make on the book in the first place. Well, to be honest, I did make ten cents on each book sold. WHOOPIE!!!

Whose fault was this. Mine of course. The old saying fool me once, your fault, fool me twice, my fault..............let that be a word to the wise.........check into things before getting involved.

That's enough for now, have a great day and remember to check your pockets!!