Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Who Every Knew?

Did you know that you can do anything you set your mind to do? I bet you haven't tried it, I know that I have not carried out that exercise to its fullest extent.

Not too long ago, that is if you are as old as Methuselah, I tried my hand at selling, writing, singing, starting three companies, engraving, and some other things I have no doubt forgotten about, and can't really say I was successful at any of them. I now know why...I didn't set my mind to the fact that I not only could, but would do the task before me.

Oh yeah, I was successful in the fact that I didn't fail, but I was never really successful. I had my mind on too many things that really didn't matter at the time, but I guess I thought they did. Never did I truly commit myself to the task, never did I say to myself, "I will do it and not look back...I will do it because I want to achieve...I will do it because I can!

Now, I ask you again, have you really tried to exceed, or have you gone about it half heartedly just like I did?

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