Sunday, May 24, 2009


Controversy is a thing we all live with daily. We have controversy over what team should win a sporting event. We have controversy over why kind of music is best for us to listen to, what kind of instruction our schools should be using, and the list goes on and on.

Politics as usual. This phrase has been used since politics began and no doubt will continue to be used as long as we have country leaders with ideas different than their peers.

We are facing a time in our great nation’s life when the republican-democrat style of rule is becoming passé. For the two parties to continue arguing like children in a playground displays the talents of them both. It was once said “One should not argue with a fool for a spectator will not know which is which”.

In a rather long article in The Online Library of Liberty, ( article VI explains the direction our country is moving as well as anything I have read. All of the name-calling, government control or the lack of government control, which ever, political promises that will never be met; all of these things will never direct the destiny of this great nation. Only, we the millions of citizens, can control it.

Now, so that we are all on the same page, consider this scenario.
(1) The government has asked us to spend money to increase the economy.
(2) The government loans money to the car companies to help them stay afloat
(3) The government loans money to the banks to help keep them afloat.
(4) The car companies are asking the oil conglomerates to increase the cost of gas
so the consumer will purchase smaller more efficient cars.
(5) The car companies claim that all of us want big gas-guzzlers and that is why they make
(6) The banks hoard the money rather than loan it to people who can pay it back reserving
it for those who are questionable risks.
(7) The consumer now pays the gouging prices for gas and so cannot afford to buy
anything they don’t need or the store’s location is out of the main stream.
(8)The small business owner is now losing business because the consumer can’t
afford to buy from him or drive out of his way to get to him.
(9) The small business owner goes to the bank and can’t get a loan for several reasons
I can’t outline here. (Government correctness-alienation of someone-etc)
(10) The government suggests we don’t spend enough so it will tax the items we want
or need like sugar lined soda, liquor, beer, gas, cigarettes, and soon the air
we breathe, water we drink and the food we buy to exist.
(11) The government complains that it is spending too much on the common man and
takes over the rest of the resources necessary to survive.
(12) We are now under dictator styled, socialistic rule due to poor political policies.

If this is the direction things seem to be moving then we have to consider that there is a world leadership goal afoot.

Consider this:
President Obama was not even heard of nationally until 2007
McCain was too old to run and everyone including the Republican Party
Knew it.
There were no good presidential hopefuls
Somewhere this being controlled and someone was being groomed for
World leadership role
Consider this:
The United States has its troops spread all over the globe
The United States is called on to help all over the world
The United States is becoming despised all over the world
The United States leadership is less Christian/Jewish than ever before
The United States is sending its greatest assets elsewhere in the world
The United States is spending more than it has and consequently:
a. The United States government has as little assets as its poor
b. The United States government has equal debts to its poor
c. The United States government has no gold standard
d. The United States social security fund has IOU’s from other
\ Branches of government
e. The Social Security Fund is going broke due to fiscal irresponsibility
f. The Government wants to use the Social Security fund as a method
Of paying off illegal aliens to come to this country instead of
Paying for the retirees that paid the money in

Consider this:
1. Remove the politicians from office that vote for self-indulgent raises to themselves.
2. Remove the politicians from office that feel ½ of their time spend in office should be for re-election purposes instead of running the government office for which they were elected.
3. Remove “ear marks” from all bills before the congress
4. Eliminate the lobby factor completely
5. Stop loaning our money to corporations that will never pay it back
6. Remove the social security deduction cap from all wage earners;
a. Put That money into the fund for future generations, not aliens, especially illegal ones.
7. Eliminate all golden parachutes, pay a man what he worth while he is working and then leave it up to him/her what the future holds like everyone else
8. Eliminate special concessions for all government employees
9. Put a cap on doctors fees, pharmaceutical firms products, and attorneys
10. Control insurance companies instead of letting them control the government
11. Eliminate day traders by enforcing the old rules of immediate turnover of funds invested.
12. Use the majority rules basis in voting by eliminating the Electoral College and letting the popular people vote elect whom they want to run this country.
13. Limit all election returns to a final accounting after all states have voted by setting rules governing the media and their ridiculous poles that would put in place no information until the election is over.
14. Eliminate pie- in- the-sky programs that cost millions of dollars for ego trips
15. Eliminate government spending on presidential trips using 500 people for an ego trip. Limit these trips and the personnel to a reasonable and sensible figure.

I have no doubt feathers will be ruffled by this analysis. There is no doubt in my mind that people will disagree with me on many points and guess what? That is fine. If this has been though provoking enough to make someone upset, drive someone to speak out, or make someone act then it is a lot more productive than doing nothing.

Thomas J. Ault

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